Thursday, August 20, 2009

Revenge Of iTunes

Is it coincidence that the technology I attacked last post, is the technology I have to praise this post? Or... And its a huge or, that I want you to contemplate for a while... Or is the e-world already self aware, and is mocking me?

I searched around iTunes today to see what they had to offer and the selection was big to say the least. I'm pretty sure if you ever want to audibly learn something than iTunes would be a helpful port of call.

Regardless of the answer, podcasting and even the recent introduction of vodcasting are two amazing delivery technologies that facilitate the notion of 24/7, around the globe learning.

The nature of each also highlight the ideal of consistency with knowledge acquirement and integration. For example, if a learner enjoys or understands one particular cast then they are more inclined to delve for more. This would rarely occur in the everyday classroom where the familiarity and constant nature of serialised teaching breeds complacency. Whereas an episodic approach to learning seems to be what learners of the 21st Century engage with more. Of course, attention span and other distractions play a major role in this although that is besides the point. Our learners are like that. We need to accept it and ultimately comply to it!

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