Thursday, August 20, 2009

The End?

Greetings Companions.

I am not Chris but rather his replacement as leader of the Elite Team.

My name is Sarah Conn...bler. Sarah Connbler. Yes, that is name. Always has been. Always will be. Sarah Connbler.

Unlike Chris, who was focusing on delivery technologies my attention was drawn to student-centred technologies. I am most certain he would concur that the two share a somewhat, overwhelming deal of commonalities.

Take for instance, PowerPoint. PowerPoint can be used by the learners just as much, if not more than, the teachers. It supports the theory of engagement and enables learners to construct their own learning in addition to any peers. This is also the case with blogs, quizzes, Flikr, and wikis. Overall, these technologies are susceptible to a diversity of users regardless that they may hold alternate motives. To illustrate this point, these motives would be to teach or to learn.

Digital Storytelling is also an effective medium to engage learners. This technology is fundamentally student-centred as it is student-created! Of course, I would not expect teachers to get involved, as creative writing is only for learners...


For my next entry I will debrief both Captain Chris' and my own missions. Before that occurs though I came across a YouTube clip that, while alarming invoked the beginning of a process that I believe is called a change of heart.

I'm sure throughout your individual journeys, you too would have seen it.

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